Chi siamo - Who we are

Il nostro staff è composto da docenti di Lingua Italiana laureati e specializzati presso università italiane, con un'ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Our staff is composed by Italian Language Teachers, with years experience in state schools with teens and adult immigrants, businessmen, graduates and specialized to the Italian University, with a good knowledge of English language too. We are specialized in Italian Language teaching for foreigns, DITALS certified (teaching Italian as foreign language), at the Università per Stranieri di Siena, specializing also in the use of multimedia interactive whiteboard.

Our mission is to promote the Italian language and culture (movies, typical foods, arts and history) abroad with multimedia, history, papers, arts, trips and other fun ways to people of all age and al nationality. We work also as journalists in national newspapers, so we use a lot of real-life materials for our lessons.